Shipping policy

We can deliver to any address in Cyprus, EU and most of other countries global. Note that there are restrictions on some products so you should advise your local customs office in advance.

When you place an order, we will estimate delivery dates for you based on the availability of your items and the delivery options you choose.

Your order will be confirmed the latest on the following day unless you place your order over the weekend, in which case it will be confirmed on Monday.

To be noted that for any abroad order the option cash on delivery (COD) is not allowed. Please avoid choose that option otherwise your order will be cancelled once it is received and process by one of our personnel. 

Confirmation is performed over the phone on the number you specify during checkout by text or though e-mail letters in case you choose to register your e-mail address during check out process or during the customer's profile creation. Alternatively you can write any instructions or requests before complete your order.